"Boy" Oil on Canvas Arthur Bowen Davies


Exquisite oil on canvas painting by artist Arthur Bowen Davies (American 1862-1928). The work depicts a young nude man walking through a lush green, ethereal landscape. Thick earth-tone brush strokes are layered upon one another; This creates the sensation of a strong and vibrant landscape, reflective of the young man who walks amongst it. Provenance: label verso from Pomona College gallery, Claremont, CA. Partial label from the ACA American masters gallery Los Angeles CA. From an estate in Beverly Hills, CA. Art measures 20 inches wide by 24 inches high set in a gilt painted frame with a linen border. Labeled on front A.B. Davies with plaque.

Artist Biography: Arthur Bowen Davies was born in Utica, New York, and studied at
the Chicago Academy of Design. He traveled to Europe many times throughout his
life, and eventually settled in Florence, Italy. Davies is known for a style that
combined the visionary with Symbolism, with elements of Tonalism, Art Nouveau,
and Cubism. Throughout his career, he became increasing interested in expressing a
feeling of lightness in figural compositions. Davies was well respected and widely
collected in his day. The Metropolitan Museum of Art held a memorial exhibition for
him two years after his death, and his work is currently represented in more than 100 museums internationally.

Dimensions: 27"w x 2"d x 31"h

Circa: Late 19th-Early 20th Century, United States

Condition: Good, minor wear consistent with age and use. Canvas is relined. Under UV inspection there are areas of repair in painting. Art is 20 x 24 inches.